Sunday, December 6, 2015

Should Israel pay compensation to Ukrainians for Holodomor ?

Some Ukrainian nationalists believe that Israel should pay compensation for the famine to Ukrainians.
According to them the idea  and the driving force of the destruction of Ukrainian pesants by hunger was undoubtedly Jewish. The idea was born in the Jewish brain. And the Jewish brain was the impetus and driving strength of this crime.

I deliberately tried to examine the arguments of the proponents of this theory.
The first thing that surprised me is the fact that those who believe that Israel should pay compensation to the Ukrainians are not professional historians.
Also, I have not seen in the library of any academic study that confirms these statements.
Does this mean that all archives are cleaned?
So what arguments of those who believe that Jews have to pay compensation to Ukrainians for the Jew-made-famine?
First in academic circles the scholars believe that even you can not raise the issue of the famine that was made by Jews, because Stalin was actually a Georgian and among the perpetrators there were both Russians and Ukrainians.
What are the arguments of those who believe that the Jews are to blame for the famine?
In one very old nationalist treatise I read that in the early days of the formation of Bolshevism, in some Ukrainian cities, (for example in Odessa) the tsarist police could not cope with the Jewish gangs, and often asked the troops for help, because the Jewish gangs were heavily armed, with machine guns, and from those gangs later, the Bolsheviks formed the Red army detachments. Even in the ranks they sang ''Shalom Aleichem''. There are good films about the legendary Jewish gangsters of the time.   History has repeatedly pointed out that in other regions the Jewish criminals were actively involved in the destruction of the Ukrainian People's Republic.
It is known that Kyiv KGB consisted almost entirely of Jews.  They killed and tortured thousands of innocent Ukrainian citizens. Kyiv Bolshevik torture-chambers were called ''human slaughter houses''
The tortures and bullying in bolshvekic prisons were terrible.
Here especially conspicuous that the bodies of many prisoners were with smashed skulls,completely flattened heads.

Ukrainian village a long time did not accept  the Bolshevik power. The peasant wars were responses to the Red Terror. Only in 1921, the KGB reported about 118 uprisings in Ukraine. The Bolsheviks firmly dealt with the peasant revolts. Punishers frequently were destroying the whole villages. In 1920-th the Bolsheviks also organized famine in southern Ukraine because there was strong partisan resistance there. Millions of Ukrainians died from famine.
(Holodomor Movie
Historian Valentyn Moroz of the Institute for Historical Review wrote:
— “The Ukrainian village had long been recognized as the bastion of national traditions. The Bolsheviks sought to strike a fatal blow at the village structure because it was the lifespring of the vital national spirit.”
"Farmers present by themselves the basic force of the national movement. Without farmers there can be no strong national movement. This is what we mean when we say that the nationalist question, is actually, the farmers’ question.” These words belongs to Joseph Stalin.
Stalin’s letter to Lazar Kaganovich, Sept. 11, 1932
“At this point the question of Ukraine is the most important. The situation in Ukraine is very bad. If we don’t take steps now to improve the situation, we may lose Ukraine. The objective should be to transform Ukraine , in the shortest period of time, into a real fortress of the U.S.S.R.”
So let's start from the arguments that proponents impose on Jews. The followers of the theory of the Jews Guilt offer the following arguments - They claim that in ruling positions of the GPU in the USSR 1929-1931 there were 38% of Jews, and in the period of holodomor 1932-1933 the Jews were 66.6% of all the heads of the secret police of the republic". (But can we prove these facts legally?)

Malcolm Muggeridge (1903–90) spent two years as correspondent for the Manchester Guardian in the Soviet Union and because he was an honest Englishman and a Christian he reported honestly about the Soviets' slaughter of millions of peasants in the Ukraine and the pervading wickedness of the regime. In a fictionalised account of Stalin's Moscow called Winter in Moscow he tells us of the Organised Evil behind the Bolshevik experiment and the prominent role of the Bolshevik Zionist Jews in it. Muggeridge lets us know that the "Dictatorship of the Proletariat" was in fact the tyranny of the Gentile by the Jew. He also exposes the corruption of the many British and American journalists who not only refused to see the Truth about Soviet life but also misrepresented the facts to the outside world. Moreover, of the complicity of the Western Liberal Establishment in creating and perpetuating the Communist Myth ... that the goings on in the Soviet Empire were benevolent and the Great Hope for the future of mankind.
..The press dispatches going out from Moscow were subject to censorship, but the Moscow policy, naturally, was to convert the correspondents themselves to public relations people for the Soviet Union, when that was possible. A major success along this line was achieved in the case of the New York Times correspondent, Mr. Walter Duranty. Mr. A.J. Klieforth, of the U.S. Embassy in Berlin, in his memorandum of June 4, 1931, reported a conversation he had, in the course of which:
"... Duranty pointed out that, in agreement with the New York Times and the Soviet authorities,' his official dispatches always reflect the official opinion of the Soviet regime and not his own."
The next arguments of those who claim that the blame for the famine is on the Jews are following:
-Lazar Kaganovich: (The Jew) Stalin’s political figurehead of the Central Committee. In 1928, Kaganovich led the implementation in the Ukraine of Stalin’s first Five-Year Plan.
The aim of Stalin’s first Five-Year Plan in the Ukraine was to destroy family farms through starvation making the peasants “landless” and thereby introducing “collectivization” by which the Ukrainian peasants were forced to become employees of the state. This forced-famine reached its crises point in 1932.
Kaganovich was the administrator and a close associate of Joseph Stalin.he also oversaw the destruction of many Churches..

As an emissary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, Kaganovich traveled to Ukraine, the Central region of Russia, the Northern Caucasus, and Siberia demanding the acceleration of collectivization and repressions against the kulaks, who were generally used as scapegoats for the slow progress of collectivization, and their supporters. In his book, The Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivisation and the Terror-Famine, Robert Conquest named Kaganovich together with other Stalinist leaders of the USSR as having personal responsibility for the artificial famine.
Kaganovich was the one who later opposed Krushchev's de-Stalinization..". Kaganovich died at the ripe old age of 98 in 1991 , ethnically safe from pursuit by the Israeli secret service, the Simon Wiesenthal organization, the New York media-intelligentsia or other hunters of real or imagined war criminals or human rights violators.
-Genrikh Yagoda (The Jew): Founder of the NKVD (Soviet Secret Police). Assisted in the first Five-Year Plan of starving Ukrainian peasants.
-Nikolai Yezhov(The Jew): Appointed by Yagoda as Head of the NKVD. Assisted in the first Five-Year Plan of starving Ukrainian peasants. (Yezhov took on a “Russian” name like most Bolshevik Jews. His wife was an active Jew).
These Bolshevik Jews seized livestock, crops, grain, and farm implements from the Ukrainian peasants. Any Ukrainian citizen who resisted them was shot. Desperate Ukrainian clergy and peasants ate anything to survive: bugs, grass, and leather shoes.
-Lavrenti Beria(Jew) Stalin used Beria to stage his purges. Under Beria, the NKVD was responsible for the deaths of millions of people.
Beria was also in charge of the Gulag prison system that sent millions to oblivion. Beria was noted for having his bodyguards kidnap young schoolgirls so that he could rape them in his Lubyanka office, which doubled as a torture chamber. Beria had the reputation of getting things done, no matter what it cost.
After Stalin died, Beria tried to change his public image and initiated reform in the Soviet Union and Communist Germany. However, Krushchev and the other Soviet leaders arranged to have Beria imprisoned and later executed as an enemy of the state.
But my question is - what Beria has to do with a Jewish conspiracy theory?
For example, when I researched information on Yezhov I did not find evidence that Yezhov was really a Jew. But even if we assume that the Jewish wives influenced their husbands, is it possible even to raise the question of a Jewish conspiracy?
But can we say that the Talmud-followers were hating Ukrainian Christian pesants and their brutality was justified by Talmud? After all, in fact, a lot of the Bolsheviks were not at all religious people, and even renounced the faith of their forefathers.There is plenty of evidence to these proves.
Ok, it is known that in later years in 1930-th, Stalin(Jugashvili) made a coup and he destroyed the old Bolshevik clan, but the fact that in his entourage there were still some Jews it is certainly a fact. They were so valuable that he could not do without them.
But, we can not raise the issue of  Soviet power as the Jewish power.
Thоse sadistic executioners had no religion, had no nation, and they had no homeland.
But is this argument significant to refute the hatred of Jews towards rebellious Christian farmers?
The matter is that the persecution of the Jews was very strong at that time. Therefore,  is it possible even to raise the question of some Jewish conspiracy?
Аlso we can not talk about the phenomenon of the monolithic Soviet heritage. There were the most bloody and terrible periods(including Stalin's crimes against humanity, in spite of his glorification in Russia) and there were later the periods that had a human form. The Soviet heritage used то change with the replacement of its leaders.   But even without being a professional historian,  I can come to the conclusion that the man-made-famine can not be called a Jewish conspiracy against the Ukrainians. Therefore, we DO NOT have any weighty arguments proving that the Jews (and therefore Israel), is responsible for the Ukrainian genocide, where over a period of just 18 months, on the most fertile land in Europe, 10 million people, a third of them children, were brutally and systematically starved to death..
I spent two hours exploring this issue, and came to these conclusions thinking aloud.
And what is your opinion?
What are your arguments?
Well, I just would like to read  the arguments of people  knowledgeable in history.

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