Thursday, June 19, 2014

The testimony of the witnesser of how the peasants, who make up 80% of the population enjoy the "freedom and equality" from the Soviet Bolsheviks.

In order to forcefully keep the peasants in the villages, they have introdused the passport system in the cities, while the inhabitants of the countryside not received passports at all, thus absolutely preventing them from leaving the countryside, to search of work or to purchase bread. They must die of starvation at home. That is how they wish to force the peasants to work the fields and give all the fruits of that work to the state. That is how the peasants, who make up 80% of the population enjoy the "freedom and equality" from the government. People are forced to work, having no (not benefiting from) civil rights. It can be compared to the situation before the revolution when the Jews were not allowed to live in the cities. This is how the peasants are treated presently in the USSR. A peasant - kolgosp member, receives the pay of 35-38 kopeks for a trudoden, while a spool of sewing thread costs 1 rb. and 1.50, or a pound of bread costs 3 rubles,thus making it impossible for the peasants to buy it in the market or make a profit.

Presently, there are great number of cases, when for stealing kolgosp bread, starving peasants are sentenced to be shot or to serve 6 to 10 years in labor camps in Siberia. The families of those poor peasants remain in the claws of hunger and death. No one pays any attention to them since nobody can provide even for iimself. The crops in kolgosps are down to a minimum level: 15-20 poods for every hectare. Such crops do not fulfill the "needs of the state" (since the needs of the state  also include grain exports abroad).

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